Publication Ethics: Publication Process
Peer Review
The editorial board of peer reviewers will not simply ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ submissions; instead, we will work with artists and authors, providing feedback, collaboration, and even a learning community so that our audience hears a much broader scope of voices and ideas that are presented in a variety of ways.
Upon being assigned a work, peer reviewers will be asked to address five basic criteria with a key: 2 = meets criterion; 1 = partial meets criterion; 0 = does not meet criterion:
___ 1. Addresses issues of equity and social justice in higher education.
___ 2. Ideas are clearly articulated and supported.
___ 3. Quality of the medium enables all to perceive the ideas.
___ 4. Ideas supported by or taps into collective knowledge, scholarly work, embodied or intuitive knowledge, traditional stories, or oral traditions.
___ 5. Work is aligned with the theme of the journal volume.
A peer reviewer will then select one of four options:
- Accept. The work is ready to go as is. It meets the five basic criteria.
- Accept with revision. The work meets most of the criteria. Some slight changes are needed before publication.
- Recommend continued conversation or collaboration. The work has some interesting or important ideas. The artist/author will be invited to work with a collaborator, learning team, or editor to get the piece ready for another review.
- Not right for this issue. The work does not align with the goals of the journal or the designated theme of the current issue.
Peer reviewers can also share additional thoughts or insights with the artist/author.
Publication Ethics: For Contributors
The International Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education ethical and transparency practices reflect the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics and follows their core practice guidelines on all ethical matters.
Authors, artists, podcasters, videographers, and other contributors published in the journal will be referred to collectively as contributors in the following statement.
When submitting an article or work to The International Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education the contributor/s understand and agree to the following conditions:
(1) the submitted work is the original product of the contributor/s or the submitted work has been reused or remixed in compliance with the original works’ license;
(2) the submitted work has not been published elsewhere, or the submitted work is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal or publication venue;
(3) if published to the International Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education, the contributor/s freely accept/s a default Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International license of the submitted work, or contributor/s may select a different Creative Commons license version for their work;
(4) the contributor/s understand that, if published, the International Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education will make the article available via its internet web site and may distribute printed copies;
(5) the Journal will not charge a fee for distribution of the material and the contributor/s understands that they will receive no renumeration for their published work;
(6) the contributor/s understand that the above applies to all future editions, versions, and revisions of the journal, as well as in derivative works and all ancillaries, including non-exclusive world rights in all languages;
(7) the contributor/s confirms that the work does not infringe upon the copyright and other rights of third parties;
(8) the contributor/s understand that the International Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education has a liberal republishing and distribution policy, with the journal being able to assume the right to re-publish the article or work.
(9) the corresponding contributor/s will be asked to confirm that all persons listed contributed to the work, that everyone entitled to be listed is named, and that all contributor/s consent to the publication.
(10) if a conflict or issue of copyright or other rights of third parties arises at any time, the contributor/s assume all legal and monetary responsibility.